Computing and Telecommunication

Computing and Telecommunication infrastructure

Developing, Installation and Maintenance of Modern Infrastructure, tools and systems that support ACMAD's Operations, Partners and other Institutions

What we do
Software and Tools Development

Design development and maintenance of software and tools that are used in the day to day running of activities. This also includes installation of tools developed outside ACMAD

Management of Infrastruture

Manage civil works, maintenance, repair, installation and upgrade of infrastructure


Pursue and support multistakeholders partnerships and collaboration required for infrastructure performance


Hybrid Conference
Prototype Training Acmad Web
Hybrid Conference 04 Jun 2024 - 08 Jun 2024

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Drought Monitoring & Advisory Service for the African Continent

General Information

Drought Monitoring & Advisory Service for the African Conti…

Drought is an extreme climate event characterised by unusual dry weather conditions, that affect th…