Weather Watch and Prediction

Multi-Hazard Advisory Center

The Weather Watch and Prediction (WWP) Department assists the National Meteorological and Hydrologic

The WWP Department has access to a variety of dynamical model outputs and satellite products using its telecommunication system made up with MSG on EUMETCast, a EUMETSAT primary dissemination mechanism for the near real-time delivery of satellite data and products. The department has a central processing system, namely MESSIR COM and MESSIR Vision servers, links to the Regional Teleconnection Centres and EAMAC, and a SYNERGY workstation comprising one server and 3 PC clients installed.

What we do
Daily Weather Forecast bulletin

A continental scale daily weather forecast bulletin for the general public, and distributed in both French and English

Daily Severe Weather Forecast Bulletin

A Daily Severe Weather Forecast Bulletin with continent wide coverage and valid for 3 days

Temperature Forecast

Maximum daily Temperature forecast: D-1; D; D+1; D+2; D+3

Rainfall Monitoring Bulletin

A 7-day Rainfall Monitoring Bulletin, in which the previous 7-day rainfall events area summarised and the forecast is issued for the next 7 days

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Test news

African Continental Climate Outlook Forum (ACCOF) - May 2024
ACMAD Predicts Early Rains in Sahel, Raising Hopes for Farmers and Food Security


ACMAD Predicts Early Rains in Sahel, Raising Hopes for Farm…

Advanced weather models developed by ACMAD suggest a higher chance of early precipitation in the Sa…