June Drought

Region Overview: In the CDI region, there is currently 17.23% of the monitored area under Watch, 4.72% under Warning, and 5.58% under Alert. Detailed Analysis of Each Region Interpretation: The CDI region has a significant area under Watch, indicating widespread precipitation shortages. The Warning and Alert areas suggest that these conditions have started affecting vegetation health and could potentially lead to more severe drought conditions in the future. Total and Percentage Area Analysis Total Area Under Each Category: Watch: 5140727.93 square km Warning: 1408998.21 square km Alert: 1666152.8 square km Percentage of Total Monitored Area: Watch: 17.23% Warning: 4.72% Alert: 5.58% Interpretation: Over 27% of the monitored area in the CDI region is under some level of drought, highlighting the widespread impact of precipitation deficiencies on the region. Summary and Implications The data shows that the CDI region is currently experiencing significant drought conditions, with over 27% of the monitored area under Watch, Warning, or Alert statuses. This could have severe implications for agricultural activities and water resource management in the region.